
About us

There was once a beautiful place near the river where child went to play and read…

Our philosophy

We want to allow direct contact with nature, without expecting to alter or adapt it. We offer a holiday experience turned to ecotourism, sustainable development of tourism in accordance with the increase in environmental awareness and respect of the people and traditions. A holiday lived respecting a pristine environment and the authenticity of the territory, allowing tourists to stay in contact with nature and the local history. The Bevaio Corleone is a ‘Agri wellness’ specialized in catering to genuine based on typical organic agricultural products, able give you a holiday full of sports-contained nature and healthy, combining them with the care of the physical and mental wellbeing of the individual and the rediscovery of a local nature untouched. L’agriturismo si trova in una zona di alta collina a 600mt nel territorio corleonese all’interno dell’omonima azienda agricola biologica, su una superficie di circa un ettaro; è immerso nel verde, tra montagne calcareniti tipiche del territorio corleonese e un torrente di 500mt attivo tutto l’anno che scorre lungo il suo confine, raccogliendo le acque delle montagne circostanti.

At the “Bevaio Corleone” we tried to realize a dream: enhance and make available to guests a place of great charm environment without altering its natural beauty.

A Model of Green Building

An innovative structure created according to modern principles of bio-architecture and inspired at the same time to the primitive dwellings of mankind, i.e. the stilt. In this respect, we have developed wooden bungalows, suspended off the ground so as not to alter the morphology and placed in a bend of the creek, full of thick vegetation of poplars.

An encounter with nature that we have not pretended to adapt to our project.


Organic and Biodynamic


The Bevaio Corleone born as a farm then converted to organic farming for about 20 years. We are also one of the few companies in Sicily which got the Demeter certification for the practice of biodynamic. The conscious attention to agriculture is an added value for our company, since visitors will have the opportunity to immerse themselves in an agricultural context practicing cultivation methods which protect the environment and human health in particular.

The organic method does not use chemicals, encouraging all those practices aimed at the prevention of deseases and pest attacks  and also using treatments based on natural products (algae, etc..). The rhythms of nature are always respected, as well as the principle of limiting the exploitation of the soil by using natural fertilizers such as manure.

The biodynamic method was born at the beginning of the twentieth century, following the indications of Rudolf Steiner, founder of anthroposophy. Biodynamic agriculture considers all the elements that can affect the growth of plants and utilizes special preparations derived from manure and quartz, together with some plants in homeopathic doses. These preparations are afterwards appropriately dynamized, that is vitalized through a machine called “dynamizer”.

The Wellness Area

A natural way to live wellness








RELAX AREA with Tisane Corner

Many Outdoor Activities

The sports-naturalistic activities characterize the style of our AGRI-WELLNESS, that proposes an active holiday enhancing the natural features of the site. Our holiday proposal has the aim to actively living the surrounding natural context, from sports to agriculture and excursions.



Our farmhouse has six mountain bikes to make runs inside and outside the farm and through mountain paths too.


Ascend to the source of the stream

Another exciting activity is to ascend to the source of the stream: the paths along the river are a pleasant adventure between fords, ropes and enchanting landscapes. On going back to the source of the stream, you will enjoy exploring the river microclimate, its flora and its fauna.


Aerobicsand fitness with outdoor walks

Aerobicsand fitness with outdoor walks



In our exercise track there are horses available for ridings inside or outside the farm along the surrounding mountains.

tiro arco


The structure has several bows and arrows to entertain adults and children.

sky watching

Astronomical observations

Observation of the sky with telescope

Finally, during some periods of the year will be organized “orienteering” races, a new outdoor sports activity with compasses and maps to get oriented in a natural environment and be able to get to the point of arrival.

Environmental Education and Workshop for Children

The Bevaio Corleone promotes environmental education activities, which we carry on with schools, children and adults.
The purpose is to let people know about some simple agricultural practices through involvement in activities such as planting and harvesting, to emphasize the importance of a conscious agriculture also in relation to food education. In addition, we propose a series of games to get to know the place, with its various environments and its flora, having a lot of fun…

Workshops for children are planned outdoors on:

  • Food education, paying attention to organic food.
  • Knowledge through the five senses.
  • Manual agricultural activities.
  • Manual artistic activities with raw materials and recycled materials.
  • Group games.


The Bevaio Corleone offers hospitality to those who love travelling in a motorhome or caravan or simply love to travel in a tent.
Campers have access to the picnic areas from where they can enjoy the scenery of the surrounding mountains, being immersed in a landscape rich in woods and meadows.
Travellers in the camper, so as those who practice camping, will stay in the heart of western Sicily and can easily reach various places of cultural and natural interest (the baths of Montevago, the sea of Sciacca, the beauties of Palermo).

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